Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Little Soapbox

I know the title seems like I'm going to go on some annoying rant, but really I just want the world to know that the field of education is filled with lots of "heavy on your heart" things.  We can't change kids' home lives, but we have to find some way to change their outlook on life and education.  As the holidays are being ushered in, I realize how blessed I am with friends, family, and a job (and a great class of kids!).  I can also see who really needs help, who can't focus because of their worries, and who needs me to steer them in the right direction.  I just wish I had more right answers!  I truly believe each child is talented in some way, but that doesn't mean everyone will make it through college...some even through high school.  I just wish I had several pathways I could help lead them down based on their abilities whether its higher education, a career, or just something that makes them happy.  I was lucky enough to have parents and a community to do that for me, and I'm hoping that my students have some of those resources too.

I don't want to be a teacher complaining about all of the changes coming down the pipe, because with a mom as a teacher I know that the field of education is in constant evolution.  I'm actually excited for the new Common Core standards, because of how much it will benefit our college-bound kids.  It is definitely intimidating to teach, but it will mean that they will be wonderful writers and problem solving gurus...I just worry about the kids who will be left behind.  With the new assessments, less and less modifications are going to be allowed for struggling students.  That worries me a lot. On the other hand, I've been listening to NPR lately about amazing turn around schools in Tennessee who don't let high poverty rates become an excuse.  I feel that my county is doing a good job at pushing the kids, but still rewarding them.  I just hope I can make some headway in my classroom, because every kid deserves a chance!

Alright, I'm off my soapbox.  I've just had lots of conflicting emotions lately, but the important thing is that I still enjoy what I do very much ;)  The proof is in the turkeys...see below!

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