Sunday, March 31, 2013

Snow, Spring, & Seuss Shame

What can I say?  It has been over a month since I have posted!  Partly, I've been busy. I've also been obsessing over other things (including my diet, the Golden Girls, and TCAP  I have to say though, I miss my blog!

Let me try to catch up!  The rest of February was eventful with Valentine's Day where kids are on so much sugar that it's like managing baby crack addicts!  Luckily, mine were sweet and I was able to detox them by banning their sugary snacks until after lunch.  I just worry about their little teeth and mine, because I'm quite guilty of consuming the sweet stuff.  Then, there was more flooding, and some of the white stuff.  I am truly a snow child, but I'm ready for spring to come this year. Its just been that weird in between super cold and wet cold...hard to dress fashionably.

What else?  Since March, I feel like I've been "worksheeting" my kids to death!  I hate to be that way, but they just need some review on the skills that are the toughest.  We've also been doing some review games and fun projects too, but I have been getting a little stricter.  The stress of the upcoming tests, after seeing them bomb the practice test, is weighing on me a little.  I truly believe the tests are necessary and I'm trying hard to use these practice tests to "diagnose" each student.  I just have to have confidence that if they fail something, I'll try, try again along with them.  It really isn't their fault, I just need to find another treatment (activity) to help them learn the skill...just like a doctor...but not as gross or quite as complicated...most of the time :)

I will admit two final things in this blog post.  Number one, I forgot to celebrate Dr. Seuss day with my kids!  I just didn't know what day it was until it had come and gone ;(  To make myself feel better and to entertain my nieces, I did a little very much thrown together Dr. Seuss play date...see the cutie in the picture below! But, we did have a rockin' A.R. party to celebrate how well they have been reading independently.  I am super proud to say that I have a few third graders reading Harry Potter...they are so smart! Oh, and we read Stone Fox as a is so good and sooooooo sad.  I got really teared up while reading the ending to them...kind of embarrassing, but I just couldn't help it!  I will also admit that this post is the first school related thing I've done this week of spring break.  Hopefully, I will feel rejuvenated and ready to go tomorrow.  More than the countdown to TCAPs, I'm looking forward to hearing about what my kids did over the break... I love their crazy, cute, long winded stories!

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