Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day Jitters

The first 2 hour day was quite a whirlwind!  I met a lot of parents and family members at Open House then more on the first day...I kept wishing for a photographic memory so I could remember everyone.  I was a little shocked by how little and young third graders are...they are definitely cute but not quite trained yet.  I was feeling a little overwhelmed Friday, hence the bowling and margarita night that followed ;)  It doesn't matter how long you prepare, as a teacher there is always apprehension and stress around every corner.  Surprisingly, all stress isn't bad!  I know I sound crazy but the pressure to do your best and help the kids learn is good stress.  I don't think my stomach knows the difference, but my heart does!  Okay...enough soul searching...time for some pics!

The sweet welcome sign my teacher bestie got me to put in my new classroom.

My shiny pencils for the treat bags...I found it odd that one of them would NOT sharpen...I hope I don't get that feeling with any of my students!

My uneven but very time consuming owl treat bags...I spent like 2 hours on these...can we say obsessed? I got the idea from pinterest but I used sticky foam for the eyes and noses which was way easier than cutting and taping paper!

The finished products look a little better...the yellow tag says "Look Whooo's in Mrs. Weaver's Room!"

Pinterest project...boy and girl hand gels to put on their desks when they go to the b-room.

My Daily 5/CAFE I just need to figure out exactly how to teach the strategies...bah!

Last view of my classroom before students arrived ;)

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