Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to work we go...

So, it's off to work I (and many other teachers around the world) go!  The real question is, am I Snow White or a dwarf?  Possibly both...I like to eat apples and take naps, but I feel like I'm working in a cave during the first week of school plus I'm short!  That being said, I really do love having summers off because the first few weeks feel like a marathon.  All in all, this profession fits my personality because I like to be a little extreme. My house is extremely messy or extremely neat...I'm either full of energy or zapped having long weeks but frequent breaks works well for me ;)

Anyways, my thoughts after our first day...overwhelmed!  Being new to 3rd grade is a little mind blowing...but in a good many people are helping me out, but everyone does things a different way.  I guess that's what I like about teaching...everyone has their own style!  I'm not quite sure what mine is, but I'd like to say that it is to prepare the best you can, try to work smarter not harder, and roll with the punches as the year goes on.  This week will be our first full week only 1 1/2 days with kids though...thank goodness for inservice!  Even though I worked on my classroom early, I have a mountain of paperwork waiting for me.  But, inservice means having an hour lunch!  Woot!

Back to business...things I have left to do before the kids come:  make Friday folders, hang up more lanterns, make reading folders, finish class handbook, label cubbies, finish pacing guide, label books, make vocabulary games, make copies for first week, do lesson plans for first week, make book bags, write events on the calendar, try to sell my bus duty (worst thing about teaching!), start reading for EDS classes, figure out computer lab schedule, finalize class schedule, post class schedule on website, go through procedures, prep for parent night, online training, common core training, and plan"get to know you" first day activities!

My tips for the week: 
 1.) Try to buy display furniture and electronics.  They have to give you at least 10% off- just got my office fridge @ Walmart!
2.) Check out  It is an awesome website from Evan Moore Publishers that has almost all of their workbooks online!  You can pay $12 for a month subscription and obsessively download and print things until it runs out (like me).  The weekly review books are the best...I have printed off daily comprehension, daily editing, daily language, daily math, and daily word problems.  The print version of these books would have been over $25 each!
3.)  Check out She is a cool lady who does awesome printables for reading and math as well as management.
4.)  Take some time to enjoy the last week of the Olympics even if it means having to down an extra cup coffee in the morning (or Diet Coke if you're like me).  I've been sad by amount of people who don't is so cool!  So many countries, so many sports!  But, don't can always multi-task by reading my blog or checking out the websites I mentioned while watching!

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