Monday, August 13, 2012

Here We Go...

I thought I'd do two updates in one day since I don't know how busy I'll be this first week back.  I'm struggling a little with scheduling but I feel like that's typical for the first day/week/month/semester.  I was proud of how I trained my babies to write in their planners today...not that it was their neatest handwriting but at least they did it!  I was a mean teacher and made some of them re-write it on the correct date (insert evil teacher laugh).  No, I really wasn't that stern...come to think of it...I hope I'm being stern enough!  I think that its hard to figure out how much less sarcastic and more strict I need to be with the third graders.

Today (my second full day) was loaded with lots of ups and downs.  The good things were that the kids were pretty quiet this morning.  I also love how organized the school seems and the consistency of the procedures.  I think that having only grades 3-5 in one school makes a big difference in management.  I also loved their smiling faces.  The downs were the blank stares I got during my first real reading lesson, the talkers I had to punish, and my lack of really good teaching so far. I just need to find my groove and get my pacing guide done!  Hopefully those will go hand in hand...I need to have a plan laid out so I can work for the end result.  I'm still struggling to learn the Daily 5's something that you build on, but I'm so impatient that I just want to start it right away!  Here are some pics of ideas of I have had (and will hopefully maintain) for management and reading:

 This is my favorite thing I've made!  It finally gives kids a place to put notes and planners instead of in my face or scattered on my desk!
 I really want to reward good grades separately from behavior this year so they can see their progress...hopefully it won't get too competitive but the real world is all about competition so it can't be that bad.
 I turned my Literature Circle Chart (from the Really Good Stuff catalog) into a Harry Potter themed group tracker for my 6 Reading Groups (3 for each homeroom I teach).  Don't worry, I didn't make anyone Slytherin!  Just Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs...I really wish I could read Harry Potter to my class but I better ask permission first...
 I'm going to try and make the kids put the books they are reading and their reading folders (pictures to come) in a big 2 gallon book bag each day to store...crossing my fingers that this routine doesn't become too annoying.
 Mrs. Weaver's favorite books!  I'm more proud of the book stand I've been wanting for 5 years...found it on Really Good Stuff.
 I've organized my library a zillion times but this time I just decided to remember KISS (keep it simple stupid)...not for the kids but for myself!  I just wrote on the labels and did simple genres.  Luckily, I've gotten rid of some of the less popular books.
 My class library :) now I just need to get the kids to choose books that aren't too hard for them...that is something I struggle with every year.  I hate being the "bubble buster" but if a child doesn't read something on their level, they will never improve.
My "Focus Wall"...I hadn't heard that fancy term until I read other teachers' blogs...there's not much to focus on yet...I haven't even posted my schedules!!  I better get back to work but I do have a secret...I left work before 4 today...maybe trying so hard to be organized (it doesn't come naturally to me) is finally paying off or I just misplaced my to do list!

1 comment:

  1. This is a *fantastic* blog! It is so neat to finally have a visual of your classroom, and to better imagine what kind of a teacher you are. You sound like an amazing one, by the way, and your classroom looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing this blog with me!

    -Mrs. Cook
