Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Distractions?

So...in my hesitance to do lesson planning I have found other ways to occupy my time that I felt the need to share...possibly out of guilt (for not doing the work I'm supposed to) or pleasure (because procrastinating is so much fun)...I'm not so sure!  Distraction numero uno would have to be the Olympics!  I keep trying to think of events that I could start training for now to be able to be in the next Olympics...so far the events with the fattest and oldest people are archery and shooting.  I guess that's something I could consider starting up in my spare time.

Next distraction would have to be the shiny new markers I got (from Target of course).  I just had to open up the pack...and here's what ensued...Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling's birthdays are today too!


Final distraction is another pinterest project.  I wanted my new co-teacher and myself to have matching mugs so I wrote on them with permanent marker and baked them in the oven to seal it...so far, so good...

No more posts until I get some actual work done!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Red Chair, Red Hair

So, I know it's just a red chair (ignore my husbands dirty sandals in the pic) but I felt that it was worthy of posting.  There are a few accomplishments related to this chair that I shall now list...1) I found it on sale at Target for $18, 2) it was the only non-boring-black one left, 3) I put it together all by myself, and 4) I like the color even though it clashes with my red hair!

The red chair also marks the real countdown to school...just one week until our first inservice.  Of course, I've waited until now to do any type of planning.  In fact, I'll be waiting a few more days...I like to live on the edge!  The year always goes much smoother if I put some sort of plans in place (like an outline) over the summer.  Once school starts, there is so much to do...a lot of it involves putting 20 names on every surface, form, card, etc.!  It seems silly, but it takes forever...then, kids move or you get new ones and you have to use goo-be-gone to erase your hard work.  I know, these are first world problems ;)  Nonetheless (wow, I've never typed that word that contains 3 words...looks weird), I'm getting excited!

The next step in my excitement will be roaming the glorious aisles of office supplies during Tax Free Weekend and Teacher Appreciation Events.  I get a little obsessed...so stay tuned!

Important Dates (for East TN):
Office Max Teacher Appreciation Day, July 28-29
Office Depot Appreciation Day, July 29-August 4
Staples Appreciation Day, August 4
Tax Free Weekend, August 3-5

Monday, July 23, 2012

Classroom Decor!

So, I should be doing some thematic planning or researching 3rd grade skills; instead, I've been decorating!  Every year, I just love to set up my classroom.  It relieves some of my anxiety about starting the school year and is just so darn fun!  Plus, it gives me a chance to redecorate (outside of the home), so my hubby doesn't freak out.

I'd also like to give a shout out to my husband for helping me hang all of the posters that I'm too short to hang myself and learning how to use a glue gun for the first time.  He also had to endure my pickiness about my classroom, which is funny, because I'm pretty messy at home.  I owe him some BBQ...we worked from 12-7 today :)  It was fun...for me!

 This rainbow rolling cart is my new favorite thing!  It was only $20 at Sam's Club and will be perfect for my weekly copies ;)
 I'm going to try to implement the Daily 5 this year so I'm going to have the kids use tote bags for their books...I need suggestions for places to find cheap totes!!  I turned my closet into a reading nook and I have decorated the room with fake plants, owls, and rainbow lanterns...I need some better pics.
 I created this exit pass parking layout from a poster I saw on pinterest...just a little duck tape.
 This isn't the most exciting picture but I am soooo excited to have cubbies this year!
Here is another thing I found on pinterest...darn you pinterest for making me buy out the Dollar Tree and make cutsie stuff I never knew existed before you!  Oh well, making things like this is one of the more fun things I get to do as an elementary teacher before the hard stuff starts ;)  On the back of each flower is the child's name and birthday.  Each flower (die cut from Staples) is also glued to a popsicle stick that says the child will receive a free work pass and an ice cream on their b-day.  I'm the world's worst teacher at remembering to make birthdays special because mine is in the summer, so I figured I'd just have to plan ahead this year ;)

Stay tuned for more...in the meantime...follow me on pinterest or pin my blog!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Friday, July 20, 2012

Welcome :)

After being inspired by Pinterest and some of my time off, I thought that I would try doing a teacher blog...much like the ones I stalk so often!

So, let's see...I don't consider myself that interesting, but my life does tend to resemble a tv sitcom at times...accidentally doing leaf prints with poison ivy, having students chase down a mice gang in my classroom, and catching a toaster oven on fire, just to name a few! It can be said, though, that I am truly blessed with an amazing family, husband, friends, and job that keeps me interested, intrigued, challenged, and fulfilled everyday:)

This is pretty much my first blog, so please forgive me if I don't follow all of the right etiquette or if things look a little messy at first. My goals with this blog are to reflect on my teaching, learn new things, and share things that I have learned myself! This will be my 6th year teaching in a couple of weeks and I will be changing grades. I will be teaching 3rd grade, which to me are so little. I must say that I often get the back to school belly aches like the kids do! I just want to be as prepared as possible and get to know my kids before they see my weaknesses...haha...show no fear. But, seriously...I do enjoy what I do very much, but it always brings me back to those feelings I had on the first day of school as a kid...excitement and anxiety leading to thrills and spills!

That leads me to the theme of my blog...The Trials and Triumphs of Teaching...there are many of each but I desire to learn from the good and the bad by working smarter not harder!

Here is a link to my first ever Teacher Store! Don't worry, there are and will always be plenty of freebies...teachers have permission to beg, borrow, and steal if it helps their students learn ;)

2nd, 3rd, 4th - English Language Arts, Reading Strategies, Tools for Common Core - TeachersPayTeachers.com