Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Distractions?

So...in my hesitance to do lesson planning I have found other ways to occupy my time that I felt the need to share...possibly out of guilt (for not doing the work I'm supposed to) or pleasure (because procrastinating is so much fun)...I'm not so sure!  Distraction numero uno would have to be the Olympics!  I keep trying to think of events that I could start training for now to be able to be in the next Olympics...so far the events with the fattest and oldest people are archery and shooting.  I guess that's something I could consider starting up in my spare time.

Next distraction would have to be the shiny new markers I got (from Target of course).  I just had to open up the pack...and here's what ensued...Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling's birthdays are today too!


Final distraction is another pinterest project.  I wanted my new co-teacher and myself to have matching mugs so I wrote on them with permanent marker and baked them in the oven to seal it...so far, so good...

No more posts until I get some actual work done!

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